At the 2019 CAL FIRE Local 2881 Convention, it was voted by the delegates to enroll all CAL FIRE Local 2881 Active members into PORAC. This benefit will be a significant addition to your membership and is only available to you because of your membership with CAL FIRE Local 2881.
PORAC membership affords advocacy at the local, state and federal level to make a change in benefits and working conditions for public safety employees as well as health benefits that protect our members.
PORAC programs available:
CalPERS PORAC Medical plans access availability through Insurance Trust and Retiree Medical Trust, which adds a new way to protect you and your families. This PORAC plan offers better reach to rural and out-of-state areas. This is a new option for members if they so choose.
By choosing the PERS PORAC Medical Plan, you can take advantage of their free body scanning/screening every 36 months.
Other membership benefits and discounts.
I understand that as a CAL Fire Local 2881 member, I must abide by the CAL Fire Local 2881 Constitution and Operating Procedures (C&OP). I understand the monthly membership dues are currently $141.65, subject to change as outlined in the C&OP, plus a one-time, non-refundable new member IAFF initiation fee of $10.00. I understand and acknowledge that membership in CAL Fire Local 2881 is not a requirement for employment with the State of California.
CAL Fire Local 2881 and the State of California Controllers are authorized to deduct from my salary and transmit to CAL Fire Local 2881 an amount designated by me for membership dues and for any benefit program sponsored by CAL Fire Local 2881 that I have elected.
This deduction authorization remains in effect until canceled by me or by CAL Fire Local 2881 and I remain a member of CAL Fire Local 2881 unless and until I withdraw during the defined period as set forth in California Government Code section 3513(i), and the CAL Fire Local 2881 Operating Procedures, §0410.05.
The next withdrawal period is June 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. I understand that termination of membership will cancel all dues and CAL Fire Local 2881-sponsored benefits deductions from my salary.